I'm not sure how to word this - the mix could be better, it sounds like everything's centered; a common mistake among people very new to music production. However, the song itself is well written so I can't tell if you just have a good ear or if these are copy-pasted MIDIs made by other people (which is against the rules). I checked out your Youtube channel and saw some midi rips from Final Fantasy, which is a great way to learn how to wrtie music, but I'm being cautious with this review so I won't be scouting you.
If it really is your own composition and I'm just being a dick, then you can take this as a compliment. The four songs you uploaded all sound good and I'd say the only thing you really need work on is production, because they're all well written. I'd suggest reading up on how to mix music. The right effects, EQ, and a good stereo image will make your stuff sound a lot better